Sieve Analysis,
It is carried out to determine the particle size in fertilizers.

Determination of moisture,
Moisture content of fertilizers is determined.

pH, EC, Solubility
It is made to determine the acid, neutral, alkaline or solubility level of fertilizers.
The type of fertilizer to be applied to the soil is determined by looking at the pH of the fertilizers.

Total Nitrogen, Ammonium, Nitrate and Urea Nitrogen,
Nitrogen is a vital nutrient in plant development. By determining the nitrogen amounts of the fertilizers, the amount of nitrogen that is seen with nitrogen deficiency or that needs to be applied as base fertilizer is met. Total nitrogen, available nitrogen amounts in fertilizers
The fertilizer type suitable for the plant is determined.

Water Soluble Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur
In order to determine how much fertilizers should be applied to which plant, water-soluble phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur amounts of fertilizers are determined. The macro element levels and current contents of the produced fertilizers are determined to comply with TSE.

Water Soluble Iron, Copper, Manganese, Zinc, Boron, Molybdenum
In order to determine how much fertilizers should be applied to which plant, the amount of water-soluble microelements of the fertilizers is determined. The microelement levels and current contents of the produced fertilizers are determined to comply with TSE.

Heavy Metal (Pb, Cd, Ni, Cr, Hg) Determination is made.

By determining the heavy metal contents of chemical or organic fertilizers, it is tried to determine whether these fertilizers can be used in sustainable or organic farming conditions, their toxic effects on plants and their effects on the nutrient element level in the soil.