Total Nitrogen:
Nitrogen is a vital nutrient in plant development. Nitrogen takes place in the structure of many organic compounds in plants. These organic compounds are proteins, chlorophyll, ATP, ADP, amino acids, enzymes and nucleic acids. In terms of being in the structure of these organic compounds, nitrogen is the most used element after hydrogen, carbon and oxygen, which is necessary for plant development. Since carbohydrate content, plant juice, root growth and crown/root ratio, grain and fruit yield, lodging, harvest time and resistance to diseases are closely related to nitrogen nutrition of plants, determining the amount of this element is of great importance in plant production.

Total Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur
Phosphorus plays an important role in plants, especially in flowering, root development, seed and fruit formation. It plays a major role in energy transfer in plant metabolism and is effective in the formation of substances such as sugar and starch. It plays a role in the formation of new cells in plants, the growth of tissues and the formation of some organic compounds in the plant.

Potassium increases the quality of the product, contributes to the development of the fruit in terms of taste, aroma and color. One of the most important functions of potassium is to regulate the water balance of the plant. Potassium deficiency causes plants to decrease their resistance to thirst. It promotes root development, increases resistance to disease and thirst. It contributes to the formation of protein, sugar and oil in the plant.

Calcium strengthens the cell walls of the plant and thus increases the plant's resistance to environmental stress. It is necessary for root development, helps cell division and growth of cells. In case of its deficiency, the root system becomes very weak, or stops completely, the fruits become soft, their durability decreases.

Magnesium takes place in the structure of chlorophyll and is therefore very important for photosynthesis in plants. Therefore, as a result of its deficiency, the development of plants decreases, seed and fruit formation weakens, fruit shedding increases. It also contributes to the formation of sugar, oil and starch in the plant.

Sulfur affects the amount of product and the quality of the product due to its various functions in the plant. It helps the functions of protein, enzymes and vitamins in plants. It is effective in lowering the pH in soils with high pH.

Total Iron, Copper, Manganese, Zinc, Boron, Molybdenum,
Iron is absolutely necessary for the formation of chlorophyll in plants. It helps photosynthesis, protein and carbohydrate formation, respiration and the activity of many enzymes. In soils with high lime content, the uptake by the plant is difficult. In its deficiency, development regresses, quality and yield decrease.

Zinc is necessary for the activities of hormones that promote chlorophyll formation and development in plants. It takes part in the uptake and use of water by the plant. Phosphorous fertilization in excess amounts causes zinc deficiency in soils with high potassium and calcareous soils. In case of its deficiency, regression in plant development, decrease in leaf length and deterioration in shape, decrease in fruit length and development are observed.

Copper is essential for the production of chlorophyll in plants and aids in photosynthesis. It helps to balance the water movement in the plant and is necessary for seed production. In case of its deficiency, development and productivity decrease. 

Manganese aids in the formation of chlorophyll along with iron. Therefore, it is necessary for photosynthesis. It is effective in the functioning of various enzymes in plants and also plays a role in the formation of protein and carbohydrates. It forms combinations with copper, iron and zinc to aid plant growth.

Boron contributes to flower and fruit set and formation, and ensures the continuity of pollen. It gives resistance to plants by increasing the resistance of cell membranes. In case of deficiency, while flowering, seed and fruit set decrease, deaths are observed at the growing points.

Molybdenum is effective in the uptake and use of nitrogen by plants. It plays a role in the utilization of iron and phosphorus. In its deficiency, soil-borne diseases progress more easily in the plant, the flowers fade and the plant becomes tall. The formation of vitamin C in the plant is prevented, a decrease in the amount of chlorophyll and therefore the development is very weakened.

Total Heavy Metal (Pb, Cd, Ni, Cr, Hg)
Heavy metal pollution in soils has become a universal problem today. Heavy metal pollution increasingly threatens agricultural areas and seriously harms the food chain and human health. Soils are contaminated with modern land use technologies, substances such as pesticides and nutrients. The use of dirty irrigation water in agriculture, herbicide application, sewage waste, industrial activities, gasoline and automobile tires and wastes from traffic cause heavy metal pollution. The transport of heavy metal pollution in soils to animals and humans through plant production, and accordingly, the concentration of accumulation in animals and humans are affected by the physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of soils.


Amino Acid, Organic Acid, Hormone,
Amino acids are activators that stimulate and activate plant hormones and growth regulators. YIt provides resistance to stress conditions such as high temperature, low humidity, frost, insect damage, hail damage, flood, which reduce product quality and quantity and have a negative effect on plant metabolism. Before, during and after the stress conditions occur, the problems in the physiology of stress, which are filled by the application of amino acids, are prevented and it has a healing effect.

Hormones are the basic internal factors that regulate the growth and development of the plant and they are chemical in nature. Substances that regulate plant growth are produced by plants or given to the plant from the outside, in very low amounts, can affect growth, development and other physiological events in the plant positively or negatively, alone or together, can be effective in the tissues they form, can be carried to other plant parts and show this activity in other organs. are organic substances. To ensure propagation with cuttings, to increase the germination power of seeds, to encourage or delay flowering, to increase cold resistance, to increase seed formation in fruits, to increase fruit size, to extend fruit storage period, to increase plant resistance to diseases and pests, to provide weed control, to prevent lodging in cotton and cereals. It has important effects such as preventing fruit shedding before harvest, enabling all plants to mature at the same time to facilitate machine harvesting, and reducing the labor force at harvest.

Antioxidant Substance,
Antioxidants are defined as compounds that prevent or delay plant oxidative degradation. These compounds act at the beginning of oxidative and autooxidative processes and can prevent oxidation and the formation of undesirable reaction products. Antioxidant group substances are one of the most important substances in preventing the damages caused by autoxidation that will occur during the production, storage, transportation and marketing of vegetable and animal fat containing substances in the food industry.

Enzymes are biological catalysts in protein structure that accelerate many of the reactions. They are naturally synthesized only by living things. They regulate the rate and specificity of thousands of reactions occurring in the cell. Enzymes play a major role in the realization of important physiological activities such as the production and destruction of organic substances in cells and various metabolic reactions.